Unicycle Skills DVD
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This DVD will show you everything you will need to know to get you up and rolling quickly, avoiding the common pit falls.
Learn to ride your unicycle with this instructional DVD. Made in New Zealand starring Jesse Trail and the girls from Carncot School, we take you right from the moment you open the box through to free mounting and the basic skills need to enjoy all aspects of unicycling, Muni, Trials and Group riding.
In addition to an extensive 'how to ride' section the main DVD includes:
* Assembly
* Places to learn
* Maintenance
* Next steps
and a section that has clips from the World Championships (UNICON XV) held in New Zealand 2010. This includes:
* Mountain Uni
* Marathon
* Trials
* Track and Field
* Flatland
* Basketball
* Hockey
* Freestyle
Play time: 44 minutes